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For whom?

The programme is aimed at executives and senior managers leading their organisation, department or group in a world that is becoming more and more data-driven. The programme is suitable for executives in any profit or non-profit sector, and requires no prior knowledge of IT or analytics. 

Need help?

Reach out to us so for questions about this programme or our transportation and accommodation options. We respond within 3 business days. 

Iris Kroese MA  
Manager Executive Education  
E: executive-education@uva.nl  
T: +31 (0)6 1893 8203  

Would you like to discuss if the course suits your profile? You can also schedule a call with one of the head lecturers of this course.

Sven Schlijper-Karssenberg – Lead Strategic Content & AI at ABN AMRO
This programme prepares you for decision-making actions needed in the short, medium and long run, either in big companies or smaller enterprises. You will receive tools that you can immediately apply to your daily practice. Sven Schlijper-Karssenberg – Lead Strategic Content & AI at ABN AMRO
Why join this programme?
Lead the transformation
Balanced mix of theory and practice
Inspirational lecturers

What will you learn?

After completing the programme, you will: 

  1. understand the digital landscape and emerging technologies. Also, you have explored how other organisations are successfully integrating AI and analytics; 
  2. be able to define a strategic roadmap on multiple innovation horizons for your organisation; 
  3. be able to build and cultivate an entrepreneurial, agile, data-driven mindset among management and employees; 
  4. know how to create a programme structure for implementing big ideas in tangible, bite-sized innovation projects. 


The programme AI for Executives is divided into 2 modules. You can choose to follow the first module (1 day) or both modules (4 days).

  • Module 1 (1 day): Understanding AI, Big Data and analytics

    This module aims to give you a realistic overview of the world of data science, AI and digital technologies. You will understand emerging technologies, recognise new opportunities and be able to collaborate with data scientists on a professional level. 

  • Module 2 (3 days): Preparing for the role of Analytics Lead

    This module aims to prepare you for a leading role in the transition to data-driven working. Learn to design a suitable strategy and translate it into a roadmap and project portfolio. We also teach you how to win support for the transformation, and deal with possible barriers. At the end, you will understand how AI and data are transforming various functions in organisations and are aware of legal and governance conditions for data and analytics. 

Your organisation’s long-term success rides on the ability to keep pace with evolving technological changes.

Teaching staff

Prof. dr. J. (Jeroen) de Mast

Academic director and professor of Data-Driven Business Innovation


Programme Tuition Fees Duration
Module 1 €1,290*  1 day
Module 1 and 2 €3,780* 4 days

*UvA alumni receive a 10% discount. Fees are VAT-exempt.

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