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The UvA will open its buildings again on Thursday, 16 May so that lectures, research and other work can resume.

As you’ve all probably read about and seen, peaceful protests on the Roeterseiland Campus were hijacked Monday, 13 May by strangers bent on destruction, and causing dangerous situations. As a result, UvA buildings remained closed on Tuesday and Wednesday for everyone’s safety. On Wednesday we were faced with the decision of whether the UvA can safely open again, which was not an easy choice.

Teaching and research must be allowed to take place again. At the same time, it’s essential that we keep talking to each other about feelings of anger and powerlessness, as well as about the war in Gaza.

In the coming period we’ll continue the internal discussion on the ethical framework and collaboration with external parties in three steps: sharpen, test, decide. We will do this in the coming weeks, in close consultation with everyone involved.

We call on everyone to contribute to (internal) calm - in the interests of all students and staff. Let us all continue to listen, give each other the freedom to ask questions freely and be critical, be curious and debate. With respect for everyone's input, background and beliefs and free from intolerance. Demonstrations are also allowed - but without face coverings, blockades, overnight stays or intimidation. 

Frequently asked questions

Visit for more information regarding the demonstrations and the current situation on campus.